A message from the CEO
Hi everyone,
Welcome to the Airmaster 8 week transformation challenge! This is an important initiative that will provide participants with an opportunity to get into shape and build fitness in a fun and supporting environment. Those who enter the challenge will also have the chance to build new relationships with their fellow co-workers and this will have a positive outcome for everyone. Great prizes are on offer as an added incentive so please get involved, get fit and maybe loose a few unwanted kilos.
Kind Regards,
Noel Courtney
About the challenge
Below are some facts regarding the challenge. If you still require further information, you can contact us on the details below:
Kelli McDonald on 0413 063 371 or kmcdonald@airmaster.com.au
Carly Stats on 0419 324 139 or cstats@airmaster.com.au
Natasha Wall on 0432 754 533 or nwall@airmaster.com.au
How does the 8 Week Transformation work?
Register by clicking on the registration buttons at either the top or bottom of this page.
Once registered, drop into Head Office reception to make payment (cash only) and sign the waiver form. Registrations and payments close by Wednesday 14th August.
Monday 2nd September – Participates will need to visit Head Office to have a full body composition scan with a fully qualified Health Coach (Times TBA). Participants will also receive their challenge registration pack.
Over the 8 weeks participants will be have access to
Initial boot camp classes (for all fitness levels) on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:30 at the Scoresby Head Office. These classes are optional.
Weekly transformation challenge emails
Lunchtime walking club
Monday 28th October – Participants will need to visit Head Office again to have their final scan and see how their results have improved.
Thursday 31st October - Announcement of winners
Important Dates to remember
Tuesday 23rd July – Registrations opens
Wednesday 14th August – Registrations close and full payment to be received
Monday 2nd September – Kick off day, full body composition scans to be done and pick up your registration pack.
Monday 28th October – Final scans for all participants
Thursday 31st October – Announcement of winners
Who can compete in the challenge and how much does it cost?
Any Victorian Airmaster, Airmaster Fire staff and apprentices. The challenge costs $20 (cash only).
Composition Scans
What is a composition scan?
A Body Composition Analysis or Scan refers to the process of measuring the many different components of a person’s body - and most importantly, discussing the health implications of what can be learnt about what you’re ‘made of’.
The analysis equipment used by the Health Coach, is the worlds most advanced Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) scanning equipment, that allows them to provide you with incredibly accurate, repeatable, non-invasive, quick and easy Body Composition Analysis.
The scan will provide outputs including:
Lean Body Mass
Body Fat Mass
Skeletal Muscle Mass
Dry Lean Mass
Body Mass Index
Percentage Body Fat
How long does it take?
The scan provides a detailed analysis in less than a minute, you will then speak to the Health Coach for about 5-10 minutes about how to improve on the results of your scan and what you need to do to create a healthier lifestyle.
Is there any scan preparation?
Yes, there is, you will need to make sure you don’t exercise 2 hours before hand, don’t drink large amounts of water and wear loose, light clothing. Further information will be communicated to participants closer to the scan date.
Can anyone have the scan?
Most people can, however those with pacemakers or other electrical devices should not be scanned due to the low levels (undetectable) frequencies of electricity. Whilst safe it is not recommended for pregnant woman to also be scanned.
Can I join in and not do the scans?
Yes, you can join in for free if you don’t want the scans but you won’t be eligible for the prizes. You will also still need to sign the waiver form.
Where can I learn more about body composition scans and the equipment being used?
Visit https://www.getscanned.com.au/ to find out more.
What are the prizes?
There will be three main prizes up for grabs.
1st Prize - Helicopter ride with Noel Courtney for you and two colleagues of your choice including lunch at winery valued at $3,000
2nd Red Balloon Voucher valued at $500
3rd Rebel Voucher valued at $250
There will also be other spot prizes throughout the challenge.
How are the prizes awarded?
The main prizes will be based on the top 3 most improved participants. Organisers will calculate the average sum on the most improved outcomes of the scans including % of body fat lost, muscle gained and visceral fat area taken from the end scan.
Additional Information
Do I receive a registration pack?
Yes, every fully paid registered participant will receive a registration pack with goodies to help you along the 8-week challenge.
What do I do if I work outside of Head Office and won’t be able to make it to the scans?
We still encourage you to join the challenge and there will be alternative options for both group exercise and body composition scans. If you have any questions, please contact Carly on 0419 324 139.
Haven't exercised in while?
Whilst this challenge is for everyone, if you do participate in high intensity training, it must be approached cautiously in the beginning, a gradual ramp up of intensity is necessary to allow muscles cells to adapt to the new demands placed on them. Failure to do so, opens the door to a life threatening condition, known as ‘Rhabdomyolysis’. In the short, the muscle cells are damaged flooding the blood stream with toxins that can overwhelm the kidneys as they attempt to cleanse the blood, loading to potential shut down. Strenuous physical activity can cause ‘Rhabdomyolysis’. It is important that you start at a reduced intensity. Brown urine, complete muscle weakness and/or swelling of joints are a warning signs of ‘Rhabdomyolysis’. If you develop these symptoms, seek medical assistance IMMEDIATELY.