Data Centres
Australia's data centre environment is rapidly evolving as our appetite for technology creates more data. In fact, such is the growth of data centres globally that some predict the ICT industry will consume as much as 20 percent of the world's electricity supply within the next five years.
Among the key drivers we see in the data centre market are energy efficient cooling, such as free cooling, and a reduction in capital cost.

Providing an efficient
and reliable environment
Airmaster has provided mechanical and building services maintenance to enterprise and managed data centres across Australia for many years.
We understand the mission critical role that data centres perform, and the significant energy penalty associated with their function. Airmaster has a strong track record in delivering technical services that deliver measurable improvements in energy efficiency, plant and equipment reliability and operating costs.
Features of our
Data Centre offering:

UV Lighting Disinfection
The deployment and treatments delivered by UV-C technology eliminates your HVAC systems as a potential source of coronavirus infection. With a 98%+ kill rate of coronavirus, the added benefit in a well designed UV-C application is the continuous cleaning of cooling and heating coils, with a resultant decrease in pressure drop
and a subsequent reduction in fan energy consumption.