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Breathing New Life into ANU’s RSISE Building

The Australian National University’s Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering (RSISE) is a three storey building with approximately 3,300m2 of occupied conditioned space, located at Building 115 within the Australian National University (ANU) campus in Acton, ACT.

Originally completed in the mid 1990’s, the existing air cooled chiller that provides cooling capacity for this building had reached the end of its serviceable lifespan, and required replacement. The subsequent chiller replacement project conducted by Airmaster included the upgrade of the associated central chiller water (CHW) plant in order to best utilise the efficiency gains available through the installation of a new chiller.

The project scope included the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of a new air cooled chiller, storage tank, circulating pumps, pipework modifications, valves, sensors, associated electrical power infrastructure and a replacement of the building’s existing BMS with a new Struxureware Deployment. Revised control logic was implemented for all mechanical systems within Building 115, not just the CHW plant.

Minor works undertaken throughout the building enabled revisions to the BMS control philosophy in order to further improve the mechanical services efficiency. This included the replacement of an existing FCU in the main seminar room, and new Carbon Dioxide sensors and 2-way CHW control valves in each AHU plant room.

StruxureWare™ software by Scheider Electric is a unique platform of applications and suites that gives users visibility into energy and other resource use across an organisation. Airmaster is an approved Schneider Electric EcoXpert specifically selected and trained to deliver a professional analysis of a building’s energy situation and offer tested, validated, and documented solutions that meet the needs and investment capabilities of clients.


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